Covid-19 will not prevent us from reaching our goals
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 2022-12-22 11:00Covid-19 will not prevent us from reaching our goals
When I decided to start this MSc program in Oil and Gas Technology of International Hellenic University in Kavala, for sure nobody could ever imagine that a pandemia, called Covid-19 or Coronavirus, would suddenly appear trying to cause changes and challenges to our routine life. As a result, regarding the safety of everyone’s health, our live courses of the MSc program were also affected. Initially, when I was informed about this undesirable situation I felt really disappointed, because I had such an enthusiasm for this second semester that has already started. So, at this point I would like to recognize that until now nothing has changed significantly as far as it concerns the courses of our second semester, due to the well scheduled e-classes. This can be considered as a great achievement and we feel actually grateful to all the professors and everyone who is responsible for the continuity of our MSc program. We can participate in the courses safely and healthy and this is the most important issue. The interaction, during the lectures, with our professors is really sufficient and we can stay focused on the subject. Except for this, we are also able to register and watch SPE Live Webinars as student members of SPE, which is a unique experience.
I hope, as everyone, that this situation regarding coronavirus could really change as soon as possible, but till then we keep on learning and chasing our goals.

Elissavet Emmanouilidou
BSc in Chemistry